26 September 2005

I hate my birthday

Yes, I truly hate it.

Each year that it comes, it reminds me of the things I failed to accomplish in that year. I remember the hardships, the friends who have passed away who won't be here with me any longer and makes me think of what pain the future holds.

Birthdays should be full of fun and happiness but I learned as a child that that isn't necessarily true. Disappointment and unhappiness is what usually happens to me. I'm just waiting for the bad thing to happen. It always does.



Blogger rone said...

Expect the worst and hope for the best, eh?

I prefer to spread out the dread and recrimination throughout the year. I don't want my birthday to be special in any sense. I can have a party and receive gifts any day of the year, or not. On your birthday, just spend a nice, quiet night with Neil, that's what i say.

Monday, 26 September, 2005  

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