19 February 2006

Out and about on the bike. YAY!

Got out on the bike today and did a short 9 mile or so ride (I don't have specifics since it's on the bike computer at the moment). Riding hurt a little but overall my ribs didn't hurt too much. Primarily I got a twinge when I stood up on the pedals to muscle through an intersection or was standing and sprinting.

However, I just felt like I had no energy, like my knees were wet noodles and suffered getting to the halfway point, one of our LBS' (Local Bike Shops). There, I took out my glucometer and checked my bloodsugar. 75! Ouch. No wonder I had no legs.

I ate a banana and a packet of Gu which really gave me a bunch of energy. I guess eating a thing of yogurt (fat free and "light" - 120 calories) just wasn't enough. ^^;;;;;; Yes, I feel like an idiot.

15 February 2006

Father-in-law's in the hospital :(

Yesterday I received a phone call sometime around 4:00pm from my mother-in-law. Turns out that my father-in-law has many blood clots in his leg and has swelled as a result. Neil came and picked me up as soon as he could and we headed out to the hospita. He's doing well and seemed to be comfortable. I stayed with his mother mostly so that she could have a break from things.

Unfortunately it looks like all this has caused me to over do it yesterday. I'm home today sore as hell again. -sigh-

12 February 2006

First Crash

Posted on the Team Estrogen forum. This happened about 5:00pm PST on Saturday the 11th of February.

After a 25 mile ride with my husband and our friend Dave, I start speeding up to catch up my husband. I start moving into a tight right turn up on our street and like an idiot, I'm pedalling as I'm leaning hard... and end up causing a pedal strike on the right hand side.

I'm ok. I have a little road rash on the right elbow and leg near the knee. Plus, my ribs on the right hand side just under my breast is pretty sore.

Silver (as I have just named the Litespeed) is doing well. I just replaced the handlebar tape which was pretty trashed. I took her to the LBS to get checked out, especially the rear wheel which has pretty bad gouging, but turns out it's all superficial. They suggested sanding down the gouges to make sure there were no sharp edges. The inside of the wheel is completely fine.

I can't say the same for the tire. The shearing forces were strong enough to rip the valve stem completely out of the tire (Tufo S33 Pro tubular clincher). The tire itself looks great but there's no valve stem.

I've taken some vitamin I and I'm trying to relax though my husband makes me laugh from time to time and I go "ow". I still need to put a new tire on the wheel but at the moment I'm too sore to do so.

I'm just hoping I'll be ok enough to go out tomorrow and ride but at the moment, I don't think so. Oh well. I still have all limbs and such.


11 February 2006

An odd phone call

Posted this on a cycling forum I'm on (forums.teamestrogen.com) . Thought others might find this humorous :)

--- 8<>8 ---
I received a phone call today while watching TV with my husband and it was someone looking for Melody Bliss. After respond "this is her" the person then went "oh, I must have the wrong number." I think "huh?" and go "Who are you looking for?" She of course responds "Melody Bliss".

I once again tell her "Well this is Melody Bliss". She paused for a moment and then asked me "What are your rates?"

Rates? huh? I thought... then I remembered something.

For those that don't know my name just happens to *also* be the name of a porn star. I first discovered this when I tried googling my name to see what showed up and that was the first thing.

So, remembering this I asked the woman on the phone "Are you looking for Melody Bliss the porn star?" to which she responds with an affirmative. I inform her that I was not that Melody Bliss and we get a good laugh out of it. But, the fun doesn't stop there.

She proceeds to ask me if I look anything like the porn star and if so she's authorized to offer a fairly hefty sum per scene. I'm fairly well discombobulated at this point and laugh. I respond with a "no" and tell her to have a nice night and hangup.

The funniest part, in my opinion, however is the look of incredulity coming from my husband who's sitting to the left of me the whole time listening in.
